4. 表内容操作

4.1. 增

insert into(列名,列名...) values (,,...)
insert into(列名,列名...) values (,,...),(,,...)
insert into(列名,列名...) select (列名,列名...) from 表

insert into tab1(name,email) values('zhangyanlin','zhangyanlin8851@163.com')

4.2. 删

delete from# 删除表里全部数据
delete fromwhere id=1 and name='zhangyanlin'   # 删除ID =1 和name='zhangyanlin' 那一行数据

4.3. 改

updateset name = 'zhangyanlin' where id>1

4.4. 查

select * fromselect * fromwhere id > 1
select nid,name,gender as gg fromwhere id > 1

4.5. 条件判断

4.5.1. where

select * from <table> where id >1 and name!='huwh' and num =12;
select * from <table> where id between 5 and 6;
select * from <table> where id in (11,22,33);
select * from <table> where id not in (11,22,33);
select * from <table> where id in (select nid from <table>)

4.5.2. 通配符like

select * from <table> where name like 'hu%';   #hu开头
select * from <table> where name like 'hu_'    #hu开头后接一个字符

4.5.3. 限制limit

select * from <table> limit 5;   #前5行
select * from <table> limit 4,5  #从第四行开始的5行
select * from <table> limit 5 offset 4;#从第四行开始的5行

4.5.4. 排序asc,desc

select * from <table> order byasc;            #跟据“列”从小到大排序(不指定默认为从小到大排序)
select * from <table> order bydesc;           #根据“列”从大到小排序
select * from <table> order by1 desc,2 asc;  #根据“列1”从大到小排序,如果相同则按“列2”从小到大排序

4.5.5. 分组group by

group by 必须在where之后,order by之前。

select num,from <table> group by num;     
select num,nid from <table> group by num,nid;
select num from <table> where nid > 10 group by num,nid order nid desc;
select num,nid,count(*),sum(score),max(score) from <table> group by num;
select num from <table> group by num having max(id) > 10;
select num from <table> group by num;
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